Oh! I also like your point that progress isn't permanent, it has to be protected!

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I like the question you ask, "If something doesn't affect me, does it really matter?" And to hear your resounding YES! It matters. Why should I care? That is exactly the issue. When people only stand up for their own issues, they aren't caring at all, are they? They are missing out on compassion. When we get out of our little comfortable holes and see the world around us, we see what matters to them. They matter to God, so they matter to me. And what matters to them SHOULD matter to me! One of the tests I do regarding issues is to ask myself if this is a first world problem. How does this issue translate in another country or culture? So many of the creature comforts I get to enjoy are not afforded to others who are suffering. What can I do about that? THAT is the question.

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It does seem as if all action comes from a foundation of compassion. I like that the word compassion has "passion" in it because it gives us purpose when we see others' needs.

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