10-Day Spiritual Decluttering Plan
If you need a little help with getting started on clearing out the stuff that affects your spiritual wellness, here's a start for you.
Are you ready to refresh your spirit and clear out what’s been weighing you down? Join me for a 10-day spiritual decluttering challenge designed to help you realign with your values, release negativity, and make space for what truly matters. Over the next ten days, we’ll take intentional steps to assess, forgive, simplify, and reconnect with what brings you peace and purpose. Whether you’re looking to shed spiritual distractions or deepen your faith, this journey offers a chance to lighten your heart and renew your soul.
Start whenever you’re ready! Then hop over to the comments and tell me what you discovered.
If you haven’t already listened to the podcast that goes with this content, be sure to hop over to Spiritual Minimalism: The Art of Letting Go.
10-Day Spiritual Decluttering Plan
Day 1: Assess Your Spiritual Health
Spend 30 minutes reflecting on your spiritual journey. Journal about what is weighing you down spiritually (e.g., grudges, distractions, fears). Pray or meditate for guidance on what areas to declutter.
Day 2: Clear Out Negativity
Identify negative influences, including media, people, or habits that bring you down spiritually. Choose one to limit or replace. Commit to speaking words of encouragement today.
Day 3: Forgive and Let Go
Focus on where unforgiveness or past hurts might be negatively impacting your spiritual health. Pray or reflect, asking for the strength to release resentment and make peace. Journal about what you can do to let go or what is outside of your control.
Day 4: Declutter Your Mind
Choose one practice to do today that will reduce mental clutter. For example: practice meditation, take a nature walk, listen to music, or set aside quiet time. Limit distractions like social media during the time designated to this. Reflect on how you feel when you have space for renewal.
Day 5: Simplify Your Commitments
Look at your schedule. Are you over-committed? Remove one obligation that hinders your spiritual growth. Make room for rest or prayer to consider other committments that you might want to consider releasing. Are you serving out of obligation or joy? Do you have margin for the things you’re passionate about?
Day 6: Examine Core Beliefs
Take time to reflect on your core beliefs and traditions from your faith upbringing. Do they align with Scripture or biblical teachings? List any beliefs or traditions that you question or find confusing. Study, pray, or seek wise counsel to discern their place in your spiritual journey and deepen your understanding of what truly resonates with your faith.
Day 7: Cultivate Gratitude
List at least 10 things you’re thankful for. Share your gratitude with someone else, and make a point to thank God or reflect deeply on the goodness in your life.
Day 8: Create Space for Silence
Dedicate an extended period today to silence. Turn off the noise—phones, music, TV—and sit in stillness. Listen for God’s voice or simply embrace quiet reflection, allowing yourself to rest and reset spiritually.
Day 9: Review Relationships and Boundaries
Reflect on the people in your life and how they impact your spiritual well-being. Are there relationships that drain you or hinder your growth? Consider where you might need healthier boundaries or more intentional connection. Take steps to nurture positive, uplifting connections and distance yourself, if needed, from negative influences.
Day 10: Reflect on Political and Spiritual Entanglement
Reflect on whether political ideologies have overshadowed your spiritual focus. Where has your time or mental focus been depleted by a strong attention to political invovlement that misaligns with your core faith values? Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom.
Where were you surprised during the 10-day decluttering?
What did you learn about yourself?
What habits will you change, moving forward?
Spiritual Minimalism Reflections
Use these questions to reflect on the podcast episode's content or the 10-day decluttering activity above, and take actionable steps toward decluttering your spiritual life.
1. Reflect on Current Spiritual Clutter
List three beliefs or practices that currently feel heavy or unbiblical to you.
Describe how these beliefs or practices affect your mental, emotional, or spiritual well-being.
2. Simplifying Spiritual Practices
Identify one or two spiritual practices you genuinely connect with (e.g., meditation, contemplative prayer).
How can you deepen your engagement with these practices without adding more to your schedule?
3. Evaluate Your Beliefs
Which beliefs currently guide your life?
Choose one belief to re-examine this week. Consider whether it aligns with love, compassion, and scripture. Write your reflections.
4. Detoxify Heart and Mind
Identify a recurring negative thought or emotion that clutters your mind (e.g., fear, guilt).
What scripture or affirmation can help you replace this with a positive thought?
5. Assessing Relationships and Roles
List any relationships or roles that currently feel toxic or draining.
Describe one boundary you could set to protect your well-being in this area.
6. Political and Spiritual Entanglement
Reflect on how your political views may be impacting your spiritual beliefs.
What step can you take to ensure your spiritual focus remains rooted in faith rather than politics?
7. Core Spiritual Values
What values do you consider core to your spirituality (e.g., love, justice, mercy)?
How can you strengthen these values in your daily life?
8. Cultivate Discernment
Identify a source of influence in your life (e.g., social media, news) that might be leading you away from spiritual truth.
Consider how you can reduce its influence—what action will you take?
9. Engage Constructively
Recall a recent moment when you reacted rather than engaged constructively.
How could pausing and refocusing help you handle similar situations in the future?
10. Personal Action Plan
From the 10-day plan and these follow-up questions, choose two areas to focus on in the upcoming month.
What specific actions will you take to declutter spiritually in these areas?
Reflection and Growth
Write down any insights gained from completing these reflections. How do you think these insights will contribute to your spiritual clarity and peace in midlife?
Remember, spiritual minimalism is about letting go to make room for what truly matters. Be kind to yourself as you navigate this journey.
As a paid subscriber, you can always start a private chat with me where other paid subscribers can share reflections.
I'm in on the 10-Day plan. Will be back with some comments later in the week. Thanks for these tools, Michelle!
This is so good!